
Italian young children wore Fascist uniforms and trained in military style to form fascist ideas and attitudes from young children.

Young children in Italy wore the uniforms of the fascist party and trained in military style. From a young age, they formed the ideas and attitudes of fascism. Fascism promoted brainwashed citizens with many totalitarian ideas that demanded civic duty for the benefit of the state. Use of state intervention in education to promote the development of state warriors and future rulers.

 The fascist movement used military uniforms with the symbols of the fascist movement on them to organize. Use of historical state symbols as symbols of the fascist movement. Organize organized rallies for propaganda purposes. Fascist movements are publicly idolized in order to propagandize them as saviors. Fascist movements often adopted symbols of ancient Roman or Greek origin.

 In Italy, the 1919 Fascist movement wore black military uniforms and called them black shirts. The uniform of the fascist era permeated both the party and the army and consisted of a wooden stick and a tie, the fasces or eagle, attached to the hat or the left arm part of the uniform. The image symbolized power, law, and governance. The bundle of sticks, featuring an axe, suggested life and death. The fasces were used by Italian political organizations as a symbol of strength through unity. Italian fascism utilized black as a symbol of movement, and black was known as the Blackshirt, symbolizing death.

 Due to the symbolism of the Italian fascists, they adapted elements of their national heritage to stimulate nationalism. Other symbols used by the Italian fascists included the Aquila, the Capitolina wolf, and the SPQR motto, which relates to the cultural history of ancient Rome, which the fascists revive. The legendary wolf was considered a symbol of Rome since ancient times. In particular, it was championed by Italian fascist party leader Benito Mussolini, who donated sculptures of the legendary wolf to various parts of the world. He argued that there is a natural law for the superior people to dominate and control the inferior people. History, he argued, was merely a Darwinian struggle for power and territory among the racial masses. Mussolini's domestic goal was the eventual establishment of a totalitarian state with himself as its supreme leader. He gave top priority to the worship of the individual through the conquest of the Italian psyche through the use of propaganda.


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About 15 Vietnamese civilians were killed and four others wounded in a landmine explosion on a rural road about 8 km west of Tuy Hoa in Sout...