
In the middle of the 3-month long Battle of Shanghai, the small town of Luodian on the outskirts of Shanghai saw some of the heaviest fighting.

The Sino-Japanese War broke out at Luogou Bridge in July 1937, and in September 1937, during the Second Shanghai Incident, the Japanese forces fell inside the Chinese siege of Luodian. The corpses of many Chinese soldiers who were blown out of the city were scattered. They were probably blown up and killed by the Japanese mortars. Corpses come with war, and they were ugly and deformed. The bodies of enemy Chinese soldiers were left to rot with maggots and bacteria or devoured by predators. The army honored the dead soldiers more than the surviving ones.

 The Shanghai Incident had been raging since August 13. In 1937, the fiercest siege broke out in Luodian Town, a transportation hub near Shanghai, a city located in Baoshan District, about 25 kilometers outside of central Shanghai, China. In 1937, one of the most fierce battles took place in the town of Ladian, a major transportation hub near Shanghai, when Japanese troops attacked the white-walled castle in Ladian, a key point of Shanghai. It was a fierce battle that met with fierce resistance from the Chinese army and resulted in many casualties. The Japanese mainland widely reported the brave fighting of the Japanese army, but in reality, the battle was very miserable.

 The area of Rajen was surrounded by a network of inlets in addition to rough roads. Artillery shells could not be replenished and it was difficult to invade the position. The Chinese also launched night raids and surprise attacks. The Japanese reinvigorated their attack with the help of naval bombing. The Chinese soldiers inside the city continued to put up a stubborn resistance, but the Japanese took over and subdued Luodian Town for the time being. The Chinese sent reinforcements to retake the key town of Rajin, and struck back day after day. The Japanese forces struck a blow against the Chinese troops south of Luo Dian Town in early September, and the attack was launched by the bombing of army planes on September 21. On September 21, the Japanese launched an attack by bombing planes, but encountered stiff resistance from the white-walled castle in Rajen, and after 20 days of unsuccessful attempts to dig tunnels, they blew up the castle and occupied it on September 23. On September 23, after digging tunnels, the castle was blown up and occupied, and the Chinese soldiers occupied the houses and surrounding areas. The casualty rate of the Chinese troops reached more than 50%.

Fifteen Vietnamese civilians were killed and four injured by the explosion of a mine on a country road 8 km west of Tuy Hòa, March 18, 1966.A mother became a victim of a landmine explosion and her daughter cried out beside the corpse.

About 15 Vietnamese civilians were killed and four others wounded in a landmine explosion on a rural road about 8 km west of Tuy Hoa in Sout...