
On the following day after the Nagasaki atomic bomb, five rescue workers carried a dead bodies of the survivors on a stretcher on their shoulders near Uragami Station.

The Nagasaki atomic bomb was dropped at 11:02 a.m. on August 9, 1945, and exploded, destroying the city. The next day, on the morning of August 10, 1945, a seriously injured hibakusha was transported about 1.1 km south of the hypocenter. Near Urakami Station, five rescue workers carried the bodies of the Hibakusha on stretchers, which they carried on their shoulders. All the buildings along the road had collapsed, and in front of them, a collapsed building remained. A mother and her son were evacuated with their baggage. 

 In Nagasaki, the Wartime Air Defense and Rescue Headquarters was established in September 1944, and the Nagasaki Prefectural General Mobilization Security Council was created in February 1945. The relief system was organized by the Nagasaki City Medical Association. About 22 relief stations were designated by the relief headquarters, including the national schools of Shinzen, Katsuyama, Iraborin, Maraya, and Inasa. Nagasaki Medical College and Mitsubishi Hospital set up first aid centers, which were unexpectedly devastated by the atomic bombing of Nagasaki on August 9, especially the Nagasaki Medical College, about 700 meters southeast of the hypocenter, and many of the city's medical associations. The Urakami Daiichi Hospital, which was damaged about 1.4 km from the hypocenter, survived and provided medical care from September 10, and the Honbara Relief Station was opened on September 12 by the Nagasaki Prefectural Police Security Force and the Kawanami Industrial Service. On September 12, the Honbara Relief Station was opened by the Nagasaki Prefectural Police Guard and the Kawanami Industrial Service, and the main hospital of Mitsubishi Hospital, which still had medical functions, provided relief.

 Immediately after the bombing, A-bomb survivors began to gather at national schools such as Shinzen, Katsuyama, Irabayashi, and Maraya, which had been designated as aid stations, as well as the Nagasaki College of Economics. Relief efforts were also launched at the Shiroyama and Yamazato national schools near the hypocenter, the Nagasaki Municipal Commercial School, and near Douno Station. From Nagasaki City, the nearby Omura Naval Hospital, Isahaya Naval Hospital, Hario Marine Corps, Sasebo Naval Hospital Takeo Branch, Nagasaki Army Hospital, as well as army hospitals in Fukuoka, Kurume, and other areas participated in the relief activities.

Fifteen Vietnamese civilians were killed and four injured by the explosion of a mine on a country road 8 km west of Tuy Hòa, March 18, 1966.A mother became a victim of a landmine explosion and her daughter cried out beside the corpse.

About 15 Vietnamese civilians were killed and four others wounded in a landmine explosion on a rural road about 8 km west of Tuy Hoa in Sout...