
Patients under Josef Menegle with the Situationist Staff, the most famous Holocaust Physician, went under numerous experiments that would stave them.

 In the Auschwitz concentration camp, Josef Mengele (Josef Mengele), the most notorious Holocaust doctor, conducted biological experiments on opportunistic officials and a large number of prisoners. He performed many fatal biological experiments on prisoners with twin children for the analysis of the most important racial genes. In particular, twins, dwarfs, and the handicapped were subjected to the most fatal experiments as human materials for the biological experiments of genetics. Twins required a subject to be experimented on and a control to be compared to. Midgets and the disabled were tested as body deformities. An important point of the genetic bio-experiments was to figure out why not everyone was Aryan.

 Biological experiments on the most notorious known prisoners conducted by Nazi Germany in the concentration camps attempted to provide racial information on the correlation between racial differences and genes. Genetics was very much the latest research in the 1930s. Nazi Germany wanted to have the most advanced and most innovative information in the world about it. In the nationalistic ideology of Nazi Germany, Jews were inferior. Doctors who performed biological experiments on Jewish prisoners in concentration camps wanted to know what the genetic makeup of the Jews would prove. In Ronald Bennett's biological experiments, the Nordic or Aryan race was the most important ethnic group for the Nazis. It was the largest part of the overall real power plan. Only the German blond hair, blue eyes, and Superman were supposed to be the predominant genetics. All other blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and aliens who did not meet the racial requirements were to be purged from society through genocide. Hitler and the German military high command created racial selection rules for their fellow Nazi Germans to follow. Bennett said that through this genetic source, Nazi Germany created racial selection rules and expected other races to follow the rules. If the other races did not follow the rules, they too would be put in concentration camps or executed.

  Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the Angel of Death, became the chief physician at the Auschwitz II concentration camp in November 1943. While Mengele was assigned to the concentration camp, about 30 doctors assisted with biological experiments at Auschwitz. The medical staff made the prisoners make choices while conning them. These choices determined who from the masses of prisoners arriving at Auschwitz would be detained for forced labor and who would be immediately slaughtered in the poison gas chambers. Whenever a new train of prisoners arrived at Auschwitz to search for twins, Mengele gave instructions without being directly involved in the selection process. Before the war ended, Josef escaped from Auschwitz and fled internationally from arrest for war crimes. He went to the United States, returned to Germany, fled to South America, Argentina, Paraguay, and finally Brazil, where he died in Sao Paulo at the age of 67. He continued to be missing during his life, and was determined to be Menger by genetic analysis of a body exhumed from his grave on June 6, 1985.

Fifteen Vietnamese civilians were killed and four injured by the explosion of a mine on a country road 8 km west of Tuy Hòa, March 18, 1966.A mother became a victim of a landmine explosion and her daughter cried out beside the corpse.

About 15 Vietnamese civilians were killed and four others wounded in a landmine explosion on a rural road about 8 km west of Tuy Hoa in Sout...