
Dead bodies lying in Vienna during the Austrian Civil War, also known as the February Uprising. skirmishes between socialist and conservative-fascist forces from 12 to 16 February 1934.

The bodies of civilians murdered by the conservative regime in the February Uprising of the Austrian Civil War lay scattered in Vienna.Between February 12 and 16, 1934, a civil war broke out between the conservative fascist regime forces and the socialist forces. The conservative fascist forces overwhelmed and Australia began to be dominated by state totalitarianism. In terms of casualties, about 1,000 people were killed or wounded by the socialist forces, and about 118 people were killed by the conservative forces. The Austrian army, on the side of the conservative government, entered the war and wiped out the socialist forces.

 In 1932, Engelbert Dorfs became the conservative chancellor and founded the conservative Fatherland Front (VF: VaterländischeFront). With the introduction of Italian fascists, in August 1933, Italy's Mussolini decreed that he would defend the regime of the Fatherland Front. The Fatherland Front gradually reduced civil liberties, banned all movement organizations and political parties, and imprisoned many political prisoners. A new Austro-fascist dictatorship was established. The Fatherland Front regime was determined to dismantle the socialist League for the Protection of the Republic, and a civil war broke out when the League for the Protection of the Republic clashed against a search by the conservative regime's police force at the Hotel Schiff on February 12, 1934. Shootouts broke out between the mutual forces and spilled over to other Austrian cities. Fascist forces crushed the uprising of socialist forces by February 16. Trade unions were banned and socialist forces were suppressed; a constitution was enacted on May 1, establishing a fascist government in Austria.

 The Austrian Nazis assassinated Austrian Chancellor Dolfus on July 25, 1934, and the Nazi dictatorship over other countries broke out. About a dozen Austro-Nazis invaded the chancellor's residence, eliminated the unarmed guards, and assassinated Dolfos. 

Fifteen Vietnamese civilians were killed and four injured by the explosion of a mine on a country road 8 km west of Tuy Hòa, March 18, 1966.A mother became a victim of a landmine explosion and her daughter cried out beside the corpse.

About 15 Vietnamese civilians were killed and four others wounded in a landmine explosion on a rural road about 8 km west of Tuy Hoa in Sout...