
During the Battle of Mukden in the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese army pursued the Russian army while passing by the bodies of military soldiers who were killed and scattered in the battle of Lee Ganpo.

During the Battle of Mukden in the Russo-Japanese War, the corpses of slain soldiers were strewn in a heap at the Battle of Li Kang Bao on March 7, 1905. The Japanese soldiers pursued the Russians, passing by the many dead bodies. The Japanese invaded the Russian army to the north from Li Guan Bao, located about 120 kilometers west of Mukden, just after they had approached Mukden City by direct route. Li Guan Bao was the central axis that bypassed and surrounded the Russian forces. In the Battle of Li Guan Bao, the Russians attacked Li Guan Bao, the central axis of the Japanese forces.

 In Dehongtun, about 2 kilometers east of Li Guan Bao, which became a ferocious battlefield, and in the three houses to the south of it, the Japanese forces collapsed and were trapped under the siege of the Russian forces. The deaths of Yoshioka Yua, who was killed at Sangenya in the Battle of Li Guan Bao, Okoshi Kenkichi, who committed suicide because he could not report the danger to the Japanese army, and Ichikawa Kiji, who was killed in action at the Battle of Liaoyang, made the people talk about their fierce and peerless stories of loyalty and courage after the Russian War.

 However, some Russian troops had already started to retreat from Li Guan Bao to Hun River in the early morning of March 7. The Japanese troops pursued and attacked the Russian troops that had begun to partially retreat. On March 8, the Japanese army, which had been fiercely attacked by the Russians, suffered heavy losses and was destroyed and in chaos. On March 10, the Russian army was attacked from behind by the Japanese army and split up, and the area around Mukden Castle fell into a huge confrontation. On March 10, the Russian army was attacked from behind by the Japanese army, and the area around Mukden Castle fell into a major confrontation. The Russian army began a full-scale retreat to the north on March 10, but the crippled Japanese army found it difficult to pursue the Russian army to the north. 

 From February 21, 1905, the Battle of Mukden, the most costly battle of the Russo-Japanese War, broke out in Mukden (Shenyang), Manchuria, China, between about 250,000 Japanese and 350,000 Russian troops. On March 10, the last and most costly battle of the Russo-Japanese War ended with the Russians retreating and the Japanese occupying Mukden Castle. The casualties of the Japanese forces were about 70,000 (of which about 15,000 were killed in action). Russian casualties were about 60,000 (including about 9,000 killed in action and about 8,000 missing in action) and 20,800 prisoners of war. March 10, the day of Mukden's entry into the city, became Army Day to celebrate the victory.

Fifteen Vietnamese civilians were killed and four injured by the explosion of a mine on a country road 8 km west of Tuy Hòa, March 18, 1966.A mother became a victim of a landmine explosion and her daughter cried out beside the corpse.

About 15 Vietnamese civilians were killed and four others wounded in a landmine explosion on a rural road about 8 km west of Tuy Hoa in Sout...