
The funeral procession over the body of the slaughtered Palestinian husband paused in front of his wife. His wife walked up to the body, put her hands on his face and kissed his forehead.

One of the senior members of Fatah, the mainstream faction of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), was assassinated by an Israeli planted bomb. The funeral of the Palestinian victim was held in January 2002 in Tulkarem, Nablus in the West Bank. A crowd of Palestinians gathered for the funeral and prayed for the repose of their souls in the Islamic faith. A funeral procession carrying the body of a slaughtered Palestinian youth paused in front of his wife. The body that was being carried was slowly lowered in front of the wife. The wife walked over to her husband's body. For a final farewell, she put her hands on his face and kissed his forehead. According to Islamic custom, wives are not allowed to attend the burial of their husbands, so this was the last goodbye kiss. The couple had two children together, and he was their father.

 The West Bank in Palestine was home to a population of about three million people. In Tulkarem, in the Nablus district of the West Bank, there was also a mixture of white buildings of the gradually proliferating Jewish settlers. Surrounded by Israeli troops, passage through the area is subject to strict Israeli checkpoints. The conflict has resulted in several Palestinian casualties. Shortly thereafter, in retaliation for the conflict, Fatah killed six Jewish youths at a coming-of-age party in West Jerusalem when four deadly Hamas soldiers opened fire with automatic weapons. In retaliation, the Israeli army heavily bombed Tulkarem and blocked the main road with tanks. One by one, Palestinian children threw stones at the tanks. Allahu Akbar! Death to the Zionists! Retaliate against Israel! They shouted.

 Palestinians have been raised in conflict since birth. These same Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombs and gunfire. We have seen too much death. Both sides have repeatedly launched retaliatory attacks. The Israeli army suspects that Hamas soldiers are hiding in the area, and homes are collapsing all over the place, leaving only piles of rubble. Children have vowed to take revenge by blowing themselves up in a martyred holy war next.The number of Palestinian refugees in 2020 was about 6.29 million, distributed among about 1.06 million in the West Bank, 1.62 million in the Gaza Strip, 2.42 million in Jordan, 650,000 in Syria, and 540,000 in Lebanon.

 Hamas, a radical terrorist organization, was founded in 1987 during the outbreak of the Intifida, a popular uprising movement of Palestinians. It was derived from the Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist organization in Egypt. Hamas opposed the flexible line of the mainstream Palestinian PLO. It dared to carry out suicide bombing operations as a jihad, a holy war against Israel. In recent years, the number of Hamas supporters has been increasing in Palestine.

 The dictatorship and pollution by Fatah, the mainstream PLO, has been antagonized by the Palestinian population. Foreign aid is stagnating only to PLO officials. Pama's support for Palestinians living in impoverished areas has been particularly strong among the poor. Both sides, however, have exacerbated the conflict with Israel.

 In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip and sealed off the area; when Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in 2006, it sealed it off completely. When Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in 2006, it sealed it off completely, and if there was a military conflict, Hamas launched rocket attacks. In May 2018, the U.S. embassy was relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in a clash with the U.S. In an exchange of fierce attacks on May 12, 2021, about 30 people were killed in the Gaza Strip. About 30 people were killed and rockets were fired against Tel Aviv. 



Fifteen Vietnamese civilians were killed and four injured by the explosion of a mine on a country road 8 km west of Tuy Hòa, March 18, 1966.A mother became a victim of a landmine explosion and her daughter cried out beside the corpse.

About 15 Vietnamese civilians were killed and four others wounded in a landmine explosion on a rural road about 8 km west of Tuy Hoa in Sout...