
On the west bank of the Jordan River, an 18-year-old Palestinian girl was shot into the chest by Israeli forces and a bullet pierced from her chest to back.

In July 1988, in Nablus, the largest city in the West Bank, Israeli gunfire continued against the Palestinian intifada: a 17-year-old boy, Jamal, and an 18-year-old girl, Manar, who was trying to help, were shot. A rescue vehicle arrived right next to them, but an Israeli jeep blocked it. A Palestinian youth threw a stone at the jeep, shouting Allahu Akbar (God is great). Israeli troops opened fire on more young men. The boy and girl were rescued in a poor hospital. The hospital was crowded with Palestinians. The girl was shot in the chest and underwent surgery. The bullet penetrated her chest, leaving her in a serious condition, bleeding out and pale. There were more than 20 cm of stitches and the bullet went through the side of her breast to her back. The wound that passed from the girl's chest to her back became a scar, and the wound will remain for the rest of her life.

 Israel's occupation of Palestine began in the late 19th century when Jews from Eastern Europe began to immigrate to Palestine. In 1947, the United Nations authorized the establishment of a Jewish state on Palestinian land. In 1948, the Jews unilaterally declared the establishment of the State of Israel. In 1948, the Jews unilaterally declared the establishment of the State of Israel. As a result, about one million Palestinians were plundered and became refugees. About half of them fled to Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. About half of them fled to Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and about half of the rest settled in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Palestinians who fled died on the way, from starvation to disease and other causes.

 In 1967, Israel occupied the Gaza Strip from the West Bank. Since then, Palestinians have lost their right to survival from social human rights. The anti-Israel conflict was waged by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), founded on May 8, 1864, as a guerrilla struggle from outside the occupied territories. However, the PLO was decimated by the Jordanian Civil War of 1970-1971, the Lebanese Civil War of 1975-1976, and the invasion of Lebanon in 1982, and Lebanon withdrew.

 On December 8, 1987, an Israeli tanker truck and a Palestinian passenger car collided in the Gaza Strip, which intervenes on the border between the Israeli-occupied Mediterranean coast and Egypt. Four Palestinians were killed and five others were injured. The accident sparked the First Intifada (December 8, 1987-September 13, 1993), an outburst of humiliation among young Palestinians in the under-10s to 20s with no way out. On December 9, the Intifada erupted from the Jabalia refugee camp. On December 9, the intifada broke out from the Jabalia refugee camp, intensifying into mass protests that cascaded into the West Bank, and from Israeli resistance activities, the intifada spread throughout the Israeli-occupied territories. However, the young Palestinians had no choice but to struggle with no weapons and only stones.

Fifteen Vietnamese civilians were killed and four injured by the explosion of a mine on a country road 8 km west of Tuy Hòa, March 18, 1966.A mother became a victim of a landmine explosion and her daughter cried out beside the corpse.

About 15 Vietnamese civilians were killed and four others wounded in a landmine explosion on a rural road about 8 km west of Tuy Hoa in Sout...