
The Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army killed a Japanese soldier at the Manchuria under the Japanese colonial rule.

In Manchuria, China, in the winter of 1931, a Japanese soldier was killed by Chinese soldiers and his body fell in the wilderness. A coffin for the Japanese soldier was left in close proximity to the body. The Northeast Anti-Japanese League, formed by the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army led by the Anti-Japanese Army, dealt a major blow to the Japanese forces.

 During the eight years between the Manchurian Incident of September 18, 1931 and the Sino-Japanese War, Japanese and Chinese troops clashed on the anti-Japanese front in Manchuria. The Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, formed by the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army, which led the anti-Japanese forces, dealt a major blow to the Japanese forces. In China, its corpse was Yang Jingyu, who was touted as a hero. After the Manchurian Incident, Yang Jingyu, the commander of the First Road Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Army, led the anti-Japanese struggle in northeast China.

 In 1939, the Japanese army took advantage of the heavy snowfall to blockade the mountains and forests, and began to blockade and defeat the anti-Japanese allied soldiers in China. Yang Jing-yu's whereabouts were revealed by the traitors, and he was surrounded and killed by the Japanese forces in the jungle. Yang Jing-yu, who was only 35 years old, ran out of ammunition and food on February 23, 1940, and was shot dead. After Yang Jing-yu was killed, the Japanese found a wooden board and left his body on it, and took a photograph of him standing up. Later, when the Japanese opened up Yang Jing-yu's stomach, which had been isolated in the jungle for more than ten days, there was no grain in it, only grass roots and bark. The Japanese decapitated Yang Jing-yu, and on February 25, 1945, Yang Jing-yu's head was exhibited in Donghua for three days. He was transferred to the headquarters of the command center in Changchun. In August 1945, the Soviet Red Army quickly invaded northeastern China, and the Japanese were completely defeated and hurriedly withdrew. The head of Yang Jing-yu, who was killed by the Japanese, remained.

Fifteen Vietnamese civilians were killed and four injured by the explosion of a mine on a country road 8 km west of Tuy Hòa, March 18, 1966.A mother became a victim of a landmine explosion and her daughter cried out beside the corpse.

About 15 Vietnamese civilians were killed and four others wounded in a landmine explosion on a rural road about 8 km west of Tuy Hoa in Sout...